Earlier this week the postie brought me a rather nice Peterson Irish Whiskey 221. Second hand but in excellent nick and hardly needing cleaning let alone anything more drastic. It's the same shape as the System 314 and even has a short well, though not as long as in the System pipes. I am rather taken by the grain and staining on this one. Not a bad buy for £25 I reckon.

Next came a System Deluxe 1s black sandblast, hallmarked for 1979, from Bond's. Looks like they still have three left...
I was surprised to find that this one didn't have the usual condenser in brass or aluminium but instead had a push in vulcanite tube which serves the same function. As the box also included a pack of Medico 6mm filters it's clear that the intention is to give an option of making this a filter pipe, a filter replacing the vulcanite tube.
Hi Tony,I do like your black sandblast Deluxe 1s,very nice!!