The stem is rather chewed but it should clean up just fine and the bowl seems to be in excellent condition. The job for the bank holiday weekend will be to give this pipe a good spiffing. Once that is done I expect it will smoke as well as my smooth System Premier 313.
Update: I've replaced the stem with suitable system standard stem (and stored the original away in a labelled bag). The pipe sits much more comfortably in the mouth now.
This brings my set of 313s to four, a Standard smooth, a Standard rustic, a Premier smooth (my birth year pipe - 1956) and the new Premier sandblast. The two Standards are both "Early Replublic", dating from between 1949 and 1963 judging by the faux hallmarks on the nickel band.
I guess a System Deluxe 8s will complete the job. One like the one on the left will do nicely.